Sew Along with Pattern 521 – Crochet Tool Caddy

Today Paulette will show you the second part of this pattern, the handy tool caddy! Not just for crochet hooks, she’ll show you how to make a variation that rolls up. You can easily customize it to suit your needs, and use it for knitting needles, art pencils, paintbrushes, makeup brushes, whatever you need! It’s super versatile and easy to make. You get the caddy and the tote bag in the pattern: Crochet Tote and Caddy Quilted Organizer Pattern

Video transcript:

Hi everyone I’m Paulette Morrissey from Tulip Square and today I’m going to show you how to make a simple little caddy a few weeks ago I showed you how to make this tote bag and today I’m going to show you how to make this little caddy that goes with it it’s normally a little fold-up thing that holds all your crochet hooks and your crochet accessories and pins and scissors and all that kind of stuff and that is in the pattern but today I’m going to vary that a little bit in case you’re not into crocheting or knitting I’m going to show you how you can use that same caddy with a few variations and you can use it for colored pencils or drawing pencils or art paint brushes or makeup brushes anything like that anything small and long and skinny so we’re going to make a little variation on it on that and it’s very easy to do and it’s also very easy to alter to your own likes for your own products so we’re going to head over to the sewing machine and I’m going to show you how to do this it’s easy

all right to make this caddy that goes with the tote you’re going to start by sewing a piece of your binding  

to the top edge to one of the 12 inch edges right here

just to one 12 inch sew it with a quarter inch seam  

and then after you’ve done that you’re just going to flip  the binding to the opposite side and stitch it in place now what you’re going to do  

is fold up that end  just about 4 inches from the edge  

and I’m going to pin that in place now I’m going to take my binding my longer piece  

and I’m going to start on one side  

I’m going to leave about  

about a half an inch or so off the end  

I’m going to sew a quarter inch seam now when I get to about a quarter of an inch from the edge I’m going to stop  

raise the needle and take the whole thing out from under your sewing machine  

and then you’re going to turn it and put your binding  

making sure that these two are lined up  

I’m going to put this right here parallel with the previous line  

and I’m going to bring this down  

so that it lines up perfectly here and then I’m going to slide the ruler out and I’m going to sew this quarter inch seam  

all the way to the end to within quarter inch again of the corner  

leave a little bit of end at that end also now you’re going to  

turn it over  

you’re going to take that little flap  

you’re going to bend it turn it fold it in a little bit right here  and then up so that it’s inside that seam line  

and then you’re going to fold this over and that will give you a nice finished end  

I’m going to sew close to this binding  

right along this edge and back tack on the end of this one okay when you get close to the corner  

just take your thumb  underneath and push it up

then take the next line not the line you’re in first  

the next seam fold that up  and then just push your finger in here until you can fold  

this over to make a nice mitered corner right here  can you see that

Let me get my fingers out of the way can you see that mitered right there  

then we’re going to sew

stop right at the corner of that corner  and twirl it around  

and sew the same seam and then do the same thing on the other corner when you get close to the end fold up that raw edge  

tuck it in and fold this over and up and down  

okay now you can remove your pins  

then if you were making the caddy for your crochet hooks  

like it is in the pattern and it’s completely explained in the pattern which you can download at the end of this video by the way 

you would  mark a line oops you would mark a line  4 inches in here and 4 inches in here and you would stitch two lines and that’s where the caddy would fold up and you’d put a button on this to close it but I’m going to show you that you can also make this and make it useful for  

colored pencils pencils  

makeup brushes art brushes and you can make as many little spots as you want and then instead of folding it in thirds we can put little ties on one end and you can just roll it up  

I’m going to show you that since it’s already in the video how to make it for the crochet hooks  

I’m going to do is mark  

where I want my lines  

this is 12 inches wide  

and I think  

I’m going to make mine about 3/4 of an inch apart I think would be plenty there’s one of two ways you can do you can either  

mark right on here  

like I can put a mark every three quarters inches or I can cut a piece of cardboard three quarter inches wide and just lay it down and go across  

Now I’m going to sew each of these seams and I’ve marked them at the top and the bottom  

just going to sew straight lines and I’m going to backtack at both ends so once you’ve got all of those things sewn and I’m going to have to say 3/4 of inches is a little tight you might want an inch an inch wide and I ended up with a wide one on the end but you can make this in any width you want you don’t have to make it just 12 inches you could make it 18 or 20 or whatever you want all it is is a rectangle that you fold up enough on the bottom to make a pocket to hold the things in place and then instead of folding it in thirds and putting buttons on it  

I’m going to take a piece of ribbon fold it in half and I’m just going to stitch it down right about at the middle just going to stitch straight across there I’ve just sewn it down so then when you want to put it away you just roll this up  

and you can tie these two like so and it’s ready to take with you  

I hope you enjoyed that video useful little thing isn’t it  

And that’s all there is to making this easy little caddy and remember in the pattern it’s got a little pockets and everything for crochet hooks and crochet and accessories and we varied it a little bit to show you how useful it would be for art supplies maybe pencils or paint brushes or even your makeup brushes especially when you’re traveling it’s a nice little thing so if you enjoyed this video please hit the like button hit the Subscribe button and hit the little notify bell if you’d like to be notified when we have new patterns because YouTube likes to see all those things so they know that you’re liking our videos and then we can make more free videos for you and the pattern for this if you’re interested is up in this corner over here and that’s all I have to tell you today have a good week happy sewing I will see you again next week bye-bye