Old Grey Goose Quilt Block

We’re not sure how this quilt block got the name Old Grey Goose, but today Paulette will show you how to make it. Her fabrics aren’t particularly old or grey, and yours don’t have to be either! 😄

Old Grey Goose Quilt Block Guide


Video transcript:

Hi everyone I’m Paulette from Tulip Square and this week I’m going to show you how to make this cute little Block it’s called Old Grey Goose and I don’t know why it’s called Old Grey Goose but that’s what it’s called and I’m going to show you how to make it it’s a nice easy pattern made with flying geese and half square triangles  

some of my favorite pieces to make so let’s head over to the sewing machine and get started 

this week’s block is called Old Grey Goose and I don’t know how it got its name but  

that’s what it’s called and I’m going to make it in some pretty Christmassy colors you’re going to need a white and three other colors and I’m using gold green and red just to make it kind of festive looking so you’re going to start with just two white squares  


two green squares and you’re going to pair them up  

make sure you got the right side of the white  

I’m going to draw a diagonal line down the middle of each of these  

and then I’m going to sew  

on each side of that diagonal line  

you’re going to sew a quarter inch seam on each side of that diagonal line and do that on both of these pieces  

after you’ve sewn a seam on each side of that line you drew you’re going to cut on that line  

when you press these open  

and press them towards the green and you’ll have four squares that look just like this I’m going to set these aside for now you’ve got four like this  

we’re going to make some flying geese if you don’t know what flying geese are they’re pretty simple and very basic and very popular piece that goes in a lot of patterns so you’re going to take your rectangles like this and  

get all these little squares and put them on one corner  

and then you’re going to sew a diagonal line like here now this time you don’t sew on each side of the line you drew you’re going to sew right on the line you draw if you draw a line I’ll draw a line on this one  

but on flying geese you sew right on the line you don’t sew on each side of it  

I’m going to sew right on that line I drew  

you going to put a gold one on the right side of each one so go ahead and put all six golds on  

well once you’ve got those all sewn down you’re just going to cut that corner off leaving a quarter inch seam allowance and you leave you’re cutting off both layers so don’t open it or unfold it or anything you’re just leaving it just the way you sewed it and cut off both layers and leave a seam allowance just like so 

and then press these towards your colored corner 

on the other half of each now that you’ve got them pressed just like so  

You’re going to take your green or your red  

and you’re going to put a second corner on each one and do the same way sew diagonally right across here now  

worth repeating that when you are sewing a diagonal line it’s easier to start from this end where you’ve got some extra fabric rather than starting from this end because your sewing machine will have a tendency to kind of catch those and chew that end up but if you start from here there’s another fabric there so they don’t seem to catch so go ahead and sew all six of these with your red or green corners and then trim the edge off and press them towards the corners  

you got four pieces like this and two like this  

what you’re going to do is take one of the pieces  

actually going to take two of the pieces of the red and you’re going to take two of your corners like this and you’re going to sew them like this with the greens on the ends like that  

So do that with two of the red and gold flying geese  

just like that  

Now you’ve got two pieces like this I’m just going to set those aside and then I’m going to take these two  

these two pieces with the green and I’m going to put them  

like this and sew them together  

That center seam was a little thick so I did press it open instead of one way or the other and I did get a little sloppy with my center point so don’t do that  but I did

okay so now you’re going to take this piece and you’re going to sew  one of these here 

and one of these here just like that now all that’s left to do is now you’ve got this is your center seam and all you have to do is sew this and this to it I’m going to go ahead and do that and it’s all done it’s kind of a pretty little block isn’t it hope you like that one  

And now you know how to make the old Gray Goose even if it’s not old and it’s not grey it’s still a cute block and if you like our videos and you like to watch more of them and you want to be notified of them hit the little notify Bell hit the like button and of course hit the Subscribe button YouTube likes it when we get more subscribers and if you need the PDF for this it’s in the description below we always put a link for the free  

Pattern PDFs for our blocks so I hope you had a good week  

I hope you will have a good week  

see you again next week with a new video bye-bye