Interlocking Quilt Block

Here’s another quilt block that’s easier than it looks! This is a very cute and versatile block, featuring two interlocking squares. You could put any number of things in the center, a pinwheel, a checkerboard, an accent square, or even leave it blank. We chose the checks for this one.

Check it out! 😄

Interlocking Quilt Block Guide

Video transcript:

Hi everyone I’m Paulette Morrissey from Tulip Square and this week I’ve got a fun block to show you how to make  

This one is called the interlocking block box this is called interlocking blocks block  

kind of cool looks a little difficult and it’s really really super easy I’m going to show you how easy this is so don’t be intimidated by thinking you can’t make complex blocks like this because you can so we’re going to head over to the sewing machine and we’re going to make this cool block and remember the PDF for this is always in the download it’s always free it will give you the sizes and quantities and everything that you need to make this block so we’re going to head over there and make this cool block  

okay to make this block which is surprisingly easier than it looks you’re going to need a white fabric and two nicely contrasting fabrics I’m using a lime green and a turquoise for this one all of the sizes dimensions and quantities you need are in a PDF in the description below if you want to download that it’s free anytime so to start with we’re going to take four of the two by three and a half inch turquoise rectangles and we’re just going to make flying geese with them by putting the white squares on the corners like so 

and if you’ve made flying geese before you know how to do it you’re going to sew a diagonal line across on one end of each one  

right from here to here are you can draw that line down with a pencil and a ruler  

like this you can draw on the backs of all of your white lines if you’d like just draw a line and  

follow that when you sew or I’ve got a little thing on my sewing machine and swing over here and show it to you it’s very thin flat black tape and instead of drawing the lines on I just line up my needle with the top point up here and I have the bottom point of the flying goose down here by the this left edge of this tape and when I sew  

and then you have a perfect diagonal seam right there  

I’m going to go ahead and put

one square on one end of each of four of these and once you’ve got them sewn you’re going to cut off  

this corner with both layers of fabric  

going to cut that corner off leaving a quarter inch seam like so and then I’m going to go and press this towards the corner like this so I’m going to go ahead and do that with all four pieces and then we’ll go to the next step  

all you do is take another white square put it in the opposite corner  

and you’re going to do the same thing you’re going to sew a diagonal line right here and you’re going to be ending up going right over  

the end of that one that’s fine when you sew something like this on a diagonal it always is easier to start along the line that you have a piece of fabric rather than down on this corner where your sewing machine has a tendency to chew up those corners so start where you’ve got some fabric and just sew here so I’m going to go ahead and sew the all these and then I’m going to trim the corners and press them open okay now you’ve got four flying geese like this we’re just going to set those aside for a minute and now you’re going to take  four of your green rectangles like this and four of your blue or your second color squares and you’re going to make the beginning of a flying goose okay you’re going to put the two together and you’re going to sew them diagonally just like you did for the flying geese but only on this end make sure you don’t put it on that end put it this way and I’m going to finish them the same way I finish the flying geese corners cut them and press them open now you have four pieces like this now what you’re going to do is take one of your flying geese and sew it to here like this I’m just going to put them together and sew a nice accurate quarter inch seam and I have to stress on this pattern make sure your seams are accurate so that all the pieces fit together nicely when we’re assembling it so we’re doing a nice quarter inch seam along this edge  

we have four pieces like this and to the bottom of each of these we’re going to sew a white rectangle just like so nice quarter inch seam  

all right now you have four pieces like this and we’re going to set those aside for a minute and make some other pieces so next  

we’re going to take  

four of these remaining four turquoise the smaller rectangles and you’re going to start that  

almost like a flying goose again  

this time you’re going to put the white square  

down here and sew right here you’re going to do that to four pieces  

Ok now you got pieces like this so what you’re going to do is take four of your little green squares  

you’re going to sew them in the opposite corners like so almost like you were going to sew a flying geese goose but this time you’re going to sew it this way

so both are on the same direction like so  

I’m going to spin it around and turn it this way so I can start along this edge with the fabric and I’m going to sew this way I’m going to do that with all four of these pieces  

now you got four pieces like this and what you’re going to do is take the green pieces  

You should have four remaining green rectangles like this and you’re going to sew them  

right here  

now next to that green rectangle you’re going to sew a white … a white rectangle of the same size  

Now with your pieces in this direction  

with your diagonal pieces over here green middle white on the left you’re going to sew the larger white pieces to the top here so far so good right we’ve got four of these little squares like that and we’ve got four of these pieces like that and then all we have left is two of each of these and we’re going to sew these together in pairs and make a little tiny checkerboard of them  

sew them together in pairs and then sew the pairs together  so it looks like that and you have this piece now if you’re waiting for the hard part there isn’t one we’re just putting all the pieces together so we’re going to start with a corner piece and one of these flying geese pieces so you’re going to sew a quarter inch seam and put these two together and this is where you want to make sure you line up all of your seams so all of the colors work good when it’s put together I’m lining up those two right there meet nicely and these two seams right there now you have two pieces like this and you’re going to take another one of your squares  

and turn it was like this  

you’re just going to turn it like this  

oops and sew it right here and now you have two pieces like this getting exciting isn’t it haha  

now all you have left is this little checkerboard thing and two of these so what you’re going to do is sew that  

with one of these on each side of it the white pieces the white edges towards the checkerboard  

and you have a piece like this

now all you do which you can probably figure out from right now is you’re going to sew this  

and this flip this one around and sew it here we’ll get that put together  

nice quarter inch seams watch your seams to line up your colors and there it is all done 

pretty cool isn’t it this makes a 12 inch block once it’s put into something it’s 12 and a half inches right now I hope you enjoyed that  

and now you know how to make interlocking blocks block  

this is kind of a cool block isn’t it surprisingly easy to make as you can see just do it step by step this is going to be a 12 inch block when it’s put into a finished piece right now it’s 12 and a half inches and I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did please hit the like button and the Subscribe button hit the little bell if you want to be notified when we’re putting up a new pattern which is every Saturday a new pattern lots of blocks lots of new blocks we’re going to we got a lot of cool blocks coming up so we hope you join us every Saturday we’ll see you again next week have a good week and happy sewing bye-bye