Flower Basket Quilt Block

Today’s video is the flower basket quilt block, a very popular block that’s great for using up lots of colorful scraps! Follow along as Paulette shows you how easy it is to make.

Flower Basket Quilt Block Guide

Video transcript:

Hi everyone I’m Paulette from tulip square and this week I’m going to show you how to make one of these very popular Flower Basket squares some people are intimidated by these and there’s so many different ways to make them but we’re just going to show you a simple way to make it so we’re going to head over to the sewing machine and have some fun let’s go 

okay to make this flower garden block you’re going to need white fabric you’re also going to need some color that you’re going to use for your little basket or bowl whatever it is I’m going to use this green polka dot for the bowl and then you’re going to need some random scraps in all different colors or if you want them all to be one color that’s fine too but I’m going to use all different scraps of colors I’ve got just assortment of  

colors here  

so what you’re going to do is you’re going to set aside the smaller squares and the rectangles for now we don’t need those right now and all of the larger squares which I think are three  

2 and 7/8 I think 2 and 7/8 you’re going to take those and you’re going to pair them up you’re going to pair one white and green or your bowl color white and green  

you’re going to pair up five of the whites with assorted colors and then you’re going to pair up three colors with green squares you got a color and a green like so this is a red and a green so you’re going to have all of those and you’re going to draw a diagonal line on the back on the lighter side whichever your fabric you can see better you’re going to draw a diagonal line on the back and you can sew a quarter inch seam on each side of that line you drew  

So I’ve got all of mine marked and I’m going to go ahead and sew 

all of these diagonal lines  

now once you’ve got them all sewn on both sides of your seam just like I mean on both sides of the line you drew just like this you’re going to cut on that line that you drew  

you can use scissors or you can use your rotary cutter doesn’t matter and then what you do is you open each half up and you 

press it towards the darker color  

I’m going to go ahead and cut and press all of these okay so now you got a little stack of them that are white   

with all these different flower colors a couple that are white with the green which I’m going to set aside these go in a specific spot and then you got a handful of them that are green with colors  

you’re going to sew this together in rows you’re going to do a row of four  

white triangles and always with the right triangle in the upper right corner you can see these four that’s your first row and then you’re going to make a row of four that are three with the white and then the fourth one the colored one goes in that upper left corner and the green goes at the bottom  

then you’re going to do a row three that is two whites up in the upper left and the next one is colored and green and then you’re going to do one row that’s only two squares that’s just a white up in the corner and then one of the green at the bottom so that’s what your four rows are going to look like so just sew those together in rows and you will have one extra of these because when you make them you make them in pairs and so whichever one you don’t want to use  

You don’t need that  

and you still have two of these so hang on to those we’re not ready for those yet okay now I’ve got these four rows all sewn and what I did is I pressed them all and I pressed them in opposite directions this one I pressed all to the left  

this one I pressed to the right this one to the left and this one to the right that way when I sew them together they will nestle nicely you don’t want all the seams all bunched up on the same side of everything 

so we’re going to set those two aside on the end of this one I’m going to take one of my smaller green squares and sew that to here and on this one I’m going to sew the last two green squares so I’m going to sew those and finish those two squares and I’m going to press those in the same directions that I pressed the first couple parts okay now you’ve got just four rows each with four squares and we’re just going to sew these together and we’ve already pressed them so their seams are alternating so go ahead and sew the four of them together to make a little block of 16 squares  

Now you’ve got this all sewn together you got your 16 little pieces and it’s starting to look pretty cute isn’t it  

Now you’re going to take your two white triangles and your two  

a green pieces 

and you’re going to sew  

white train white rectangle sorry with against the green triangle in this direction and then you’re going to sew the other one the opposite way this way  

okay now you’re going to take one of those pieces doesn’t matter which one but and sew it to its edge right here set that one aside for a second I’m just going to sew this one along the bottom edge here and on your last piece like this  

going to sew a little white square right here  

now you got this piece done it’s pressed and I’m going to take this last little piece and sew it right here  

and there’s your finished block it’s kind of cute isn’t it and I hope it took the mystery out of it for you A lot of people kind of shy away from blocks like this because they look too hard and it really isn’t  

 pretty simple little block I hope you enjoyed that one 

so now you know how to make The Flower Basket block 

cute either way you can also be put on things this way looks kind of cute in a table runner if you alternate them looks pretty cute so I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did please hit the like button hit the Subscribe button and hit the little notify Bell if you’d like to be notified when I have a new pattern or a new video and if you need the PDF for this it’s in a link right up here somewhere so we hope you have a good week and we’ll see you again next week with a brand new video bye-bye