How to Make Easy Four-Fold Coasters and Potholders


1. Coasters and potholders are made exactly the same except for the size of the squares you use. You need 6 squares for each coaster or potholder, plus a square of batting the same size (2 squares of batting for potholders). 

Coasters potholders sewing tutorial step 1

2. Take the four squares you are using for the front squares of the coaster (or potholder), fold them evenly in half, right sides out and press so you have a nice crisp fold on each piece.

Coasters potholders sewing tutorial step 4

3. Place the square that will be hidden on the inside of the coaster face down on your table (this piece will be under all the folded squares once the coaster is finished, so not really visible at all). Place the square of batting on top of it, then the square for the back of your coaster, right side up. Make sure all the pieces are lined up evenly. 

Coasters potholders sewing tutorial step 2
Coasters potholders sewing tutorial step 3

4. Take the first folded square and place it on top of the pile with its folded edge toward the center and the outer edges all even with the stack of layers. Make sure the folded edges are always toward the center. 

Coasters potholders sewing tutorial step 5

5. Place the second folded square along the next edge, counter-clockwise from the first. It will cover half of the first folded piece. 

Coasters potholders sewing tutorial step 6

6. Place the third folded piece on the next edge, making sure all of the folded edges are toward the center of the stack.

Coasters potholders sewing tutorial step 7

7. Last, place the fourth folded piece on the stack, and tuck the right end of it under the first folded piece. Now you have a square with 4 small squares visible. Make sure all the edges are even and the center joining of all the folded edges is nice and snug with no gaps or overlaps. 

Coasters potholders sewing tutorial step 8
Coasters potholders sewing tutorial step 9

8. Make sure you overlapped the pieces by adding them counter-clockwise so the exposed folded edges don’t get caught on your sewing machine foot. You want the folded edges opening away from your presser foot. 

Coasters potholders sewing tutorial step 10
Coasters potholders sewing tutorial step 11

9. Take the entire stack to your sewing machine and stitch around the outer edge, 1/4 inch from the outside. Double check to be sure the folds are not opening toward the foot. 

Coasters potholders sewing tutorial step 12
Coasters potholders sewing tutorial step 13

10. Sew 1 or 2 stitches diagonally at each corner so it’s easier to turn it right side out. 

Coasters potholders sewing tutorial step 14

11. Trim the corners off then turn coaster to the right side and press it neatly. 

Coasters potholders sewing tutorial step 15
Coasters potholders sewing tutorial step 16

2. Your coaster can be finished at this point or you can add some top stitching if you like. All of these finishing options apply to the potholders as well as the coasters. 

Coasters potholders sewing tutorial step 17

13. Here are a few options – add a simple top stitch around the outer edge only. 

Coasters potholders sewing tutorial step 18
Coasters potholders sewing tutorial step 21

14. Stitch around each small square. 

Coasters potholders sewing tutorial step 22
Coasters potholders sewing tutorial step 23

15. Add a small X in the center to grab all four inner corners.

Coasters potholders sewing tutorial step 19
Coasters potholders sewing tutorial step 20

16. Your coaster (or potholder) is finished! 

Coasters potholders sewing tutorial step 24

Do you want to watch and make these along with Paulette? Check out the video on our YouTube channel, and don’t forget to subscribe while you’re there!