3D Dove Window Quilt Block

Today’s quilt block is one version of the popular Doves at the Window (or in the window?) quilt block. Download the pdf guide and watch the video to see how to make it.

3D Dove Window Quilt Block Guide


Video transcript:

Hi I’m Tes Scholtz with Tulip Square and today I’m going to show you how to make this Quilt Block now I have heard this called doves at the window doves in a window  the dove window

but I’ve also seen a very different block and that’s also called doves at the window so  

I don’t know who’s in charge of naming these things but it seems to me that anything with the four  

bird shapes like this flying towards the square in the middle no matter what the size is and all qualify as doves at the window I don’t know if anybody knows the secret behind that let me know tell me in the comments  

so this is my version and I’m calling it the 3D Dove Window because that seems to be appropriate enough and let’s head over to the sewing machine and I’ll show you how it all goes together 

for our first color the lightest color we’ve got 12 of these  

two and a half by four and a half inch pieces and four two and a half inch squares 

Then for your medium color you have 16 two and a half inch squares and also 16 two and a half inch squares of your darkest color  

and then one four and a half inch square of whatever your center is 

now you can use one of these colors for your center or one of these two or you can just use an accent color like I did or you could even fussy cut something fun for the middle or if you were making a quilt or a runner or something you could make each center a different color lots of options here 

so to start with we are going to take all of our four and a half inch lightest pieces and we’re going to sew going to make flying geese but we’re going to make two colored flying geese so we’re going to start off by sewing the darkest square to the left hand side  

you’re going to sew right along here  


Now you’re going to have four of the dark squares left over at the end of this step we’ll use those soon enough  

so right now  

we’re going to cut these corners off  

and press them toward the corner now you may have noticed  

an extra seam there before I cut that and I do that on purpose so that I can save this  

half square triangle for another project and I talk all about that in an upcoming video so watch for that  

I’ll give you lots of ideas for what to do with those extra corners  

now you have these pieces and you’re going to sew the medium colored square  

to the opposite corner  

right along this way  

I’m going to do that with all of these  

and again you’ll have four extra of this color square as well that we’re about to use  

now we’re going to cut off all of these corners  

and press them toward the corner and we’ll be right back I I will be right back not sure why I keep saying we  

for all the different personalities living in my head I guess  

I have 12 flying geese  

I have a few of these left and we’re just going to pair these up and  

sew a diagonal line right down the middle  

and we’re just going to cut one corner off  

and press those toward the dark color  

okay now you have your flying geese you have four of these and you have four of your  

lightest color square  

and you have your center  

so we’re going to start with the center and we’re going to sew one of two of the flying geese one on either side  

like that  

triangles pointing outwards so  

just going to sew a nice quarter inch seam there  

and one there  

now we’re going to press that  

and set that aside for a moment I’m going to work on the next strip there’ll be two of these so you’re going to match up your flying geese  

with these half square triangles put the dark triangle with the medium triangle   

on both of them  

and then put the medium triangle to the dark side on both of them   

just like that okay  

two of those stripes  

flip that over sew it right there  

flip this over sew it right there now I’m going to press those and I’ll be right back with the next step  

did I mention which way I pressed I pressed this piece toward the center and then I pressed these pieces away from the center so that for this next step they will all nest together nicely  

so the next step is this  

take this piece that we made  

and put one of these at the top and one at the bottom  

Make sure all these light triangles are pointing away  

put that right there sew a nice quarter inch seam there  


here with a nice quarter inch seam  

now we’re going to press that and we’re going to make the next piece  

the next piece is simple  

You’re going to take the rest of your flying geese that you have left pair them up side by side  

and sew them together  

do that with all the rest  

Now you have four of these strips and on two of them  

you’re going to put a light colored square at each end  

Sew that on with a seam there  

and one there  

Now I’m going to press these and I’ll be right back to put the whole thing together  

okay now we have the center square  

which is pretty cute already isn’t it  

we’re going to take these two shorter strips that we made  

we’re going to make sure the white triangles are to the outside  

line it up like this so the mediums match and the darks match  

we’re going to sew that  

right along there and then we’re going to do the same thing  

on the other side  

matching up these colors with the white to the outside  

just like that okay now I’m just going to press that and I will be back with the final step  

there is your center  

now we have our final strips  

we’re going to add that  

make sure the white is to the outside and line up these colors here  

sew that right there  

line up these seams  

and do the same thing  

at the top  

lining that up with the white to the outside  

sew right there 

okay one final press and there it is   

and there you have it all done   the doves in the window at the window  near the window hovering around the window  whatever they’re doing at the window   that’s how they are and make sure you download our PDF that’s got all of the cutting instructions that you need and we also show different examples of how it could look   in different configurations so we generally do that on all of our PDFs so if you want an idea of how it would look in a quilt or a runner or something make sure you grab those PDFs and check that out okay  

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